Glass Jar with Silver Plated Cap

silver lid jar

silver lid jar

silver lid jar

This pretty glass jar has not only decorative non-functional handles as embellishment but a silver plated cap. We don’t believe the jar was fitted with the cap when it was originally sold but when we discovered it among family treasures and oddities the two were paired and so they shall remain. It is in very good to excellent vintage condition, perfect for a floral bouquet-minus the cap. We could also envision up-cycling it as a unique terrarium with moss and tiny ferns.

Hands Free Handblown Party Glass on Lanyard

party Glass

party Glass side view

party Glass

Feel free to roam at parties, festivals, and tasting events with this vintage handblown drinking glass. It is worn over the neck, suspended by a woven lanyard. Among family treasures and oddities, we believe it was purchased in Europe during a fall touring event in the early 70s. The handblown glass design has a Northern European or Danish influence. The mouth or lip of the glass is encircled or laced with a silver treatment in which one small area shows wear. The lacing of a glass, particularly a beer glass, not only celebrates the value of the amber contents but serves to capture the foam and its volatiles for enhanced enjoyment.

Handblown Glass Hanging Tea Light Candleholder

glass TeaLight holder

glass TeaLight

This beautiful, delicate handblown glass vessel was made to suspend a single, standard tea light candle in mid-air! Imagine its beauty if hung from the branch of a tree adjacent to a romantic table setting? It exudes beauty and grace, day or night! We have added a 24″ stainless steel wire rope hanger for effortless and rust-proof future use.


swan side view

swan front view

This beautiful swan was originally purchased at an outdoor antique festival in Kentucky in the early 90s. I don’t believe it was represented as an antique, but as a replica. It is not carved of wood but some man made substance, although that seems insignificant for display purposes. The sculpted form and matte painted finish are beautiful and give it an authentic look without the cost or potential for burrowing insects, or deterioration.

Vintage Metal Dairy Pail 4 Quart with Handle

dairy Pale

dairy Pale side view

dairy Pale base

This vintage metal dairy pail is in very good vintage condition. Utilitarian, this pail could serve numerous functions in the home while retaining its rural dairy or industrial good looks. It is approximately 10.5″ tall and nearly 7.5″ in diameter. The buckets handle is strong, swivels out of the way and is built to withstand heavy loads when necessary. Its rustic charm is lovely for a display or prop or, given its original purpose, it would also be a handy air or watertight storage for anything including dog food or cat food. No doubt you will discover other uses for this fine vintage container with lid. It has no dents, some minute scratches, they are barely discernible masked within the beautiful patina.

Cedar Hill Farms Ceramic Crock Pottery

cedarHill logo

cedar Hill farms crock inside

cedar hill farms crock base

This vintage ceramic crock was manufactured and labeled for Cedar Hill Farms Dairy. The photos depict its vintage condition, with no chips or cracks, it has some discoloration from age and use. It was among family treasures and oddities from our mid-western upbringing. Although we are certain that Cedar Hill Farms was one of over 45 dairies local to southwestern Ohio, we are not aware of its original familial origin. The plural “Farms” suggests it is connected with the collective of local farmers who’s independent dairies milk was sold to and pasteurized under the name Cedar Hill Farms. The dairy went out of business decades ago. Today, the name Cedar Hill Farm is not uncommon, there is a popular farm in Misssissippi that hosts private and public events, another Cedar Hill Farm in North Carolina serves equestrian needs as stables and training for hunters and dressage horses , another in Wisconsin, … The name bears a certain nostalgia for a bucolic setting and time, regardless of origin.

The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie

golden dawn cover

golden dawn inside cover

golden dawn chapter listings

golden dawn rear cover

The cover title describes the contents of the book as “an account of the teachings, rites and ceremonies of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.” This is 368 page publication. It was originally copyrighted in 1971, this is the third printing of the book from Llewellyn Publication, 1978.

An encyclopedia of practical occultism. It is one of the most influential books on occultism in the past 100 years. The original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, began in the late 1800s and borrowed from various occult traditions including Kabalah, Tarot, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Paganism, Astrology, etc.

The author, worked as Aleister Crowley’s personal secretary. He is credited with extensive writings while practicing as both a chiropractor and a neo-Reichian therapist. He also taught psychiatry at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and contributed articles to many psychology magazines. “