It is easy to date these vintage advertising bullet pencils as being from the 1940s and the 1950s. Some don’t even include phone digits, let alone the ubiquitous web urls we are now provided for businesses. Most of this group’s include a several digit number, which assumes a local connection for the user. These pencils were unique to an era.
They each have a “bullet” tip which when pulled out reveals the pencil with its protected, sharpened lead. The second segment of the pencil consists of the printed, early plastic cover with the eraser on the other end. These bullet pencils may be seen in photographs of farmers in their denim overalls. Each overall bib had a sewn area for a writing utensil such as a bullet pencil. These and similar bullet pencils were not only a savvy means of advertising for local, regional, or national advertising of farm equipment, seed, and other similar services, but a functional, if not necessary writing instrument back in the day.
This is an instant collection on which to build for anyone interested in John Deere equipment, farming, writing instruments, or the history of advertising ephemera. Included are two John Deere (four legged deer). and one Pioneer Seed Corn bullet pencil. Two of the seven appear to have been lightly used or not used. Six are in very good vintage condition. We have included a seventh bullet pencil, this one from Stark Trucking. Although we could, no doubt, use a pliers to pull it open, we have not.
The full list and related companies or towns: John Deere/Wolf Sales Co., Scio, Ohio / John Deere Cedarville, Ohio / Welch HIGRADE Fertilizers / Pioneer Corn Co., Tipton, Ohio / Madison Farm Bureau, London, Ohio / C. E. Hill, “On the bank of the Deer Creek, Williamsport, Ohio / Stark Trucking, Fountanelle, Iowa
Measurements: approximately 4″ long x .5” wide